The Spiritual War of 2015

This starts the book for the war of 2015 between God the Universe and evil.

This starts the book for the war of 2015 between God the Universe and evil.


How the devil uses people from the past and how to be healed

Sometimes families struggle to move forward in life and are cursed to be sick from their past. The past follows them from generation to generation. They might not even know about their past life or where this curse came from but the devil can torment the family for generations until the curse is broken. This is the true story of a family that has been tormented since the Civil War in Guatemala.

Descendants of the devil started the original Civil War in Guatemala. People from Guatemala such as, visitors, neighbors and their children escaped to Mexico to free themselves from the war. In order to stay alive in their travels, they had to steal food. By doing this, they saved their bodies but lost their souls to the devil. In present day, the evil possession from a demonic spirit has been passed on from generation to generation and will never give the family peace.

This curse affects men and women of this generation differently. The women become very weak to the point that they become paralyzed and are no longer able to live their everyday lives. These women have to be fed through a straw and are bed ridden.  This one woman in particular was bedridden for three years and would relive her worst memory. She kept seeing her deceased parents and siblings leaving her. She would scream during the day and mostly at night, “Wait for me! Don’t leave me!” It was as if she had to keep reliving that nightmare her whole life. As Lina prayed for her, she was freed from this evil possession and she never saw the vision of her family leaving her again. Finally, she was able to sleep and be at peace.   

The curse affects the men by mentally disturbing them, they become extremely depressed, they want to run away and they think about killing themselves. Thank God Universe, they do not go through with committing suicide.

Also, in this generation both men and women form red patches on their legs and chest that looks like faces on the skin. This is a demonic possession, the person lies down and the body begins to get red patches on their legs and arms.  They have a limp when they walk and have pains all throughout their body and muscles. When they suffer like this, they can never have a quality life. Because of all this pain and suffering, the thought of killing themselves torments them in life.

Dear God Universe, heal the people who are suffering from bell’s palsy, heal the deformation of the mouth, eyes, cheekbones, and ear drums. Heal the medulla and cerebellum of the brain. To heal the depressed. To heal the side effects from the stroke. Heal the nerves that control the movement of the arms, neck and shoulders. To cure the dysfunction in the: heart, lungs, liver, kidney and stomach. To cure the stomach from lack of food and lack of appetite. To heal the pancreas and to cure intestinal malfunction. To heal the urinary infections, the ovaries of the womb, any kidney stones that could cause an infection and the appendix.

Dear God Universe, heal the demonic bell’s palsy in the brain, to cure the red patches on the legs or on any parts of the body. Free the cerebellum of the mind and all of its function to the brain. Free the dysfunction of the heart. Cast out all of the defective bodies that are cursed by their enemies. Cast out the devil from the spinal cord and vertebra. Heal the hip bones and set them free. Cast out the devil from the finger tips and collar bones. To connect the muscle to the heart, to be strong. Cast out the devil from the body’s skeleton; cast out the devil from all the muscles. Cast out the devil from the red and white blood cells. Heal the immune system.

For the people who are very sick and suffer from chronic sickness, find the strength to fight the devil’s curse. Pray to receive the strength from God Universe to continue on with your everyday lives. God Universe cast out the devil from their lives. Thank you God Universe for helping the suffering and freeing them from the hateful devil. Thank you God Universe. 

In questa foto si vede uno spirito che dimostra i denti, con una voce che si sente la pace sia con voi.

In questa foto si vede uno spirito che dimostra i denti, con una voce che si sente la pace sia con voi.

Questa foto è stata un attacco solare il 16 di Agosto 2015 dai nemici di Biondi

Questa foto è stata un attacco solare il 16 di Agosto 2015 dai nemici di Biondi

Qui ci sono spiriti inconoscibili sono orbosi si vedono solamente quando sono attivi.

Qui ci sono spiriti inconoscibili sono orbosi si vedono solamente quando sono attivi.

Qui ci sono gli spiriti nel mare che sono molti velenosi, sono invisibili ma si vedano solo nelle foto.

Qui ci sono gli spiriti nel mare che sono molti velenosi, sono invisibili ma si vedano solo nelle foto.

Qui si vede il demonio che vuole distruggere i colori che sono intorno al sole.

Qui si vede il demonio che vuole distruggere i colori che sono intorno al sole.

In this photo the devil wants to destroy the sun with flowing liquid for no reason. The reconciling of the sun was verified on November 22nd at 11:40 am, the vision is a continuation of the spiritual war of 2015. The sun had been pierced with an evi…

In this photo the devil wants to destroy the sun with flowing liquid for no reason.

The reconciling of the sun was verified on November 22nd at 11:40 am, the vision is a continuation of the spiritual war of 2015. The sun had been pierced with an evil spear from canestro dei monti because it wanted to destroy the world. Now he has repented, and asks GOD UNIVERSE to fix the sun. This is impossible, the right side of the sun has a tube that releases oxygen that tube has been pierced and there is no way to fix it. Without solar oxygen the people who belong to that side of the sun cannot live. Therefore, the message came that many people will die from lack of oxygen. The left side of the sun has the tube that releases the good oxygen and the people who are on the left side live placid and peaceful without any disease. The world is full of hidden demons, if people practicing the satanic occult do not stop and they keep using poisonous gasses and sulfur; they will suffer themselves. Do you understand?

In this photo we see a dragon. GOD UNIVERSE has shown it to the public that the dragon has no right to kill His people.

In this photo we see a dragon. GOD UNIVERSE has shown it to the public that the dragon has no right to kill His people.

Il fuoco dei Camaleondi e Paravatti spiriti combattano con fuoco amonico con senza nessuna vergognia.

Il fuoco dei Camaleondi e Paravatti spiriti combattano con fuoco amonico con senza nessuna vergognia.

Una faccia di forma di un animale si forma tra le nuvole senza nessuno segno pericolante con una faccia pietosa vedete la prossima foto cosa vuole.

Una faccia di forma di un animale si forma tra le nuvole senza nessuno segno pericolante con una faccia pietosa vedete la prossima foto cosa vuole.

Il morfione cambia formazione della faccia ma e sembre lostesso spirito della faccia del orsetto pietoso,ma invece e molto pericoloso che fa succedere con potere demonialedi precipitare ghi aereo senza nessuna pieta. Questi spiriti demoniali si devo…

Il morfione cambia formazione della faccia ma e sembre lostesso spirito della faccia del orsetto pietoso,ma invece e molto pericoloso che fa succedere con potere demonialedi precipitare ghi aereo senza nessuna pieta. Questi spiriti demoniali si devono togliere dal mondo con la guerra in spirito.

In this photo there is a vision of a man with a cap, and the photo was taken when he was leaving heaven after destroying GOD UNIVERSE’S location. That man’s name is Perenni Arturo, together with his brother, Colleone Arturo. Their symbols in the clo…

In this photo there is a vision of a man with a cap, and the photo was taken when he was leaving heaven after destroying GOD UNIVERSE’S location. That man’s name is Perenni Arturo, together with his brother, Colleone Arturo. Their symbols in the clouds work to ruin the lives of young people born during the full moon. What does it mean when the full moon starts? People who are born at that moment grow up without peace, and do not give peace to others around them.

In questa foto come vedete abbiamo il settore delle bambole. Chi non lavora per lui non deve avere le sue bambole setaniche sono per il suo popolo. Altrimenti sarete ammalati.

In questa foto come vedete abbiamo il settore delle bambole. Chi non lavora per lui non deve avere le sue bambole setaniche sono per il suo popolo. Altrimenti sarete ammalati.

Questi spiriti sono I nottili si chiamano cosi perché sono lunatico anno la potenza di non farti dormire tutta la notte con insonnia spaventosi e dolori corporale. Tutti questi spiriti DIO UNIVERSALE li togli dal mondo per l’eternità.

Questi spiriti sono I nottili si chiamano cosi perché sono lunatico anno la potenza di non farti dormire tutta la notte con insonnia spaventosi e dolori corporale. Tutti questi spiriti DIO UNIVERSALE li togli dal mondo per l’eternità.

Qui si vede lo spirito del cavallino che porta molti dolori alle spalle e le pelle secca si calma il dolore con vaselina benedetta e la preghiera di liberazione.

Qui si vede lo spirito del cavallino che porta molti dolori alle spalle e le pelle secca si calma il dolore con vaselina benedetta e la preghiera di liberazione.

La vita di Lina sta sempre in attiva, le anime vengono con la speranza di andare a cercare le loro famiglie se sono nelle acque al fondo del mare.

La vita di Lina sta sempre in attiva, le anime vengono con la speranza di andare a cercare le loro famiglie se sono nelle acque al fondo del mare.

I piemontesi vogliono controllare il mondo ma non possono perché Lina non è sola, Dio Universale è sembre con lei hai capito nemico piemontese?

I piemontesi vogliono controllare il mondo ma non possono perché Lina non è sola, Dio Universale è sembre con lei hai capito nemico piemontese?

I malvaggi spiriti non si vogliono arrendersi si conbattono ogni minuto del giorno e notte. Cari nemici una volta hai usato il mio popolo. Adesso se non ti conferti sarai distrutto con il tuo popolo.

I malvaggi spiriti non si vogliono arrendersi si conbattono ogni minuto del giorno e notte. Cari nemici una volta hai usato il mio popolo. Adesso se non ti conferti sarai distrutto con il tuo popolo.

In questa foto I pignolati sono rimasti a bocca aperta di vedere DIO UNIVERSALE sulla terra di portali alla giustizia. Sono finiti di usare il popolo non c’e’ perdono. Fate le valigia e andate via per l’eternità.

In questa foto I pignolati sono rimasti a bocca aperta di vedere DIO UNIVERSALE sulla terra di portali alla giustizia. Sono finiti di usare il popolo non c’e’ perdono. Fate le valigia e andate via per l’eternità.

Questo spirito è il setone ambrosiani dei monti che maledice le bottiglie del latte ai bambini. DIO UNIVERSALE manda il messaggio a tutti i setoni nel mondo che non c’e’ perdono sarete tolti dal mondo per l’eternità.

Questo spirito è il setone ambrosiani dei monti che maledice le bottiglie del latte ai bambini. DIO UNIVERSALE manda il messaggio a tutti i setoni nel mondo che non c’e’ perdono sarete tolti dal mondo per l’eternità.

Lina D’Uva è nel giardino con la compagnia delle anime che chiedono di pregare per i loro famigliari dispersi di corpo e di anima. Il corpo non si può trovare però l’anima anno la speranza di liberarla dal crudele demonio.

Lina D’Uva è nel giardino con la compagnia delle anime che chiedono di pregare per i loro famigliari dispersi di corpo e di anima. Il corpo non si può trovare però l’anima anno la speranza di liberarla dal crudele demonio.

La foto del cristianesimo è molto limpida ma però sono molti pericolo con DIO UNIVERSALE chi pratica l’occulto con magia nere non vi pensate che non vi conoscono perché DIO UNIVERSALE vi prende uno alla volta su cielo e terra.

La foto del cristianesimo è molto limpida ma però sono molti pericolo con DIO UNIVERSALE chi pratica l’occulto con magia nere non vi pensate che non vi conoscono perché DIO UNIVERSALE vi prende uno alla volta su cielo e terra.

In queste foto si vede che la guerra continua in spirito il popolo ancora non ha capito che DIO UNIVERSALE è venuto sulla terra per fare giustizia sarete puniti gravemente.

In queste foto si vede che la guerra continua in spirito il popolo ancora non ha capito che DIO UNIVERSALE è venuto sulla terra per fare giustizia sarete puniti gravemente.

Il fumario spirito Giacobe non vuole che Lina scrive la verità quello che stà assucedere nel mondo di oggi.

Il fumario spirito Giacobe non vuole che Lina scrive la verità quello che stà assucedere nel mondo di oggi.

Qui ci sono massamigliani altri spiriti che anche sono molti famosi guerrieri nell’occultismo. Cari nemici vi prego di fermare il male che fate agli altri. Altrimenti DIO UNIVERSALE distrugge voi e le vostre famiglie, avete capito bene?

Qui ci sono massamigliani altri spiriti che anche sono molti famosi guerrieri nell’occultismo. Cari nemici vi prego di fermare il male che fate agli altri. Altrimenti DIO UNIVERSALE distrugge voi e le vostre famiglie, avete capito bene?

I demoni dei Calimbi non vogliono essere conoscuiti da DIO UNIVERSALE perché hanno fatto del male e si vogliono nascondersi nelle nuvole solari ma non ćè posto e allora sono rimasti fuori con la faccia scoperta.

I demoni dei Calimbi non vogliono essere conoscuiti da DIO UNIVERSALE perché hanno fatto del male e si vogliono nascondersi nelle nuvole solari ma non ćè posto e allora sono rimasti fuori con la faccia scoperta.

Caro Carluccio vattene alle catacombe per l’eternità non perdere più tempo perché non e la volontà di Lina di scrivere. Lei è solamente una vittima prima usata da te e adesso per liberarsi deve seguire DIO UNIVERSALE.

Caro Carluccio vattene alle catacombe per l’eternità non perdere più tempo perché non e la volontà di Lina di scrivere. Lei è solamente una vittima prima usata da te e adesso per liberarsi deve seguire DIO UNIVERSALE.

Qui nella foto di sopra ci sono i correnti spiriti si chiamano cosi perché lavorano per il demonio. La foto con il sole significa che vi porta la pace nel vostro cuore e la guarigione su di voi e le vostre famiglie.

Qui nella foto di sopra ci sono i correnti spiriti si chiamano cosi perché lavorano per il demonio. La foto con il sole significa che vi porta la pace nel vostro cuore e la guarigione su di voi e le vostre famiglie.

Caro Cristofaro indemoniato a Lina non la puoi fermare di scrivere perché non è lei di scrivere ma sono io DIO UNIVERSALE. Hai cambiato foto e locale di scrivere ma Lina scrive a qualsiasi posto il nessaggio che DIO UNIVERSALE VUOLE.

Caro Cristofaro indemoniato a Lina non la puoi fermare di scrivere perché non è lei di scrivere ma sono io DIO UNIVERSALE. Hai cambiato foto e locale di scrivere ma Lina scrive a qualsiasi posto il nessaggio che DIO UNIVERSALE VUOLE.

Qui in questa foto I nimici spiriti si avicinano al sole con la speranza che con la luce di DIO UNIVERSALE A BENEDETTO IL SOLE si credono che ricevono il perdono ma DIO UNIVERSALE non perdona i malefici si devono affrontare con la guerra.

Qui in questa foto I nimici spiriti si avicinano al sole con la speranza che con la luce di DIO UNIVERSALE A BENEDETTO IL SOLE si credono che ricevono il perdono ma DIO UNIVERSALE non perdona i malefici si devono affrontare con la guerra.

I falconi spiriti in questa foto chiedono la pace. Come li può dare la pace quando vogliono impedire la crezione normale che tante persone devono andare dai dottori a fare invitrio per una donna per avere i figli. Questo DIO UNIVERSALE non lo permet…

I falconi spiriti in questa foto chiedono la pace. Come li può dare la pace quando vogliono impedire la crezione normale che tante persone devono andare dai dottori a fare invitrio per una donna per avere i figli. Questo DIO UNIVERSALE non lo permette di vivere in questo modo. Per questo motivo e scoppiata la guerra in spirito per aggiustare la creazione come DIO UNIVERSALE ha creato.

Qui in questa foto ci sono spiriti che metto il disturbo matrimonale con gelosie sataniche separano il matrimonio. Questo è il lavoro sataniche di oggi fanno perdere l’amore uno con altro e rimangono a piangere famiglie intere senza che nessuno si a…

Qui in questa foto ci sono spiriti che metto il disturbo matrimonale con gelosie sataniche separano il matrimonio. Questo è il lavoro sataniche di oggi fanno perdere l’amore uno con altro e rimangono a piangere famiglie intere senza che nessuno si accorge il male da dove viene.

In questa foto ci sono spiriti che bloccano i giovani per incontrare il loro amore. Ci sono persone che cercano aiuto e con i soldi pagano qualcuno per incontrano il loro amore. Poi ci sono persone che odiano DIO UNIVERSALE che non ci è dato un buon…

In questa foto ci sono spiriti che bloccano i giovani per incontrare il loro amore. Ci sono persone che cercano aiuto e con i soldi pagano qualcuno per incontrano il loro amore. Poi ci sono persone che odiano DIO UNIVERSALE che non ci è dato un buono destino. Altre persone si dedicano alla compagnia degli animali. Questo problema viene dalla invidia spirituale dovete pregare, con la preghiera si vince contro lo spiritismo carbonico.

Qui in questa foto ci sono spiriti che lavorano per il demonio bloccano aereo o il pilota per fare precipitare e possedersi le anime. DIO UNIVERSALE e venuto sulla terra per salvare il suo popolo ma senza delle preghiere non si può andare avanti. La…

Qui in questa foto ci sono spiriti che lavorano per il demonio bloccano aereo o il pilota per fare precipitare e possedersi le anime. DIO UNIVERSALE e venuto sulla terra per salvare il suo popolo ma senza delle preghiere non si può andare avanti. La guerra spirituale continua fino che si ferma il demonio Castiglio.

Qui in questa foto ci sono i bombardini che lavorano nelle villaggio dei Caribaldini. Fanno progeti dove vanno ha fare dispetti grandi e facando cadere le fabbricazioni fresce delle mura delle case, queste spiriti si chiamano CORRENTI. Lo spiritismo…

Qui in questa foto ci sono i bombardini che lavorano nelle villaggio dei Caribaldini. Fanno progeti dove vanno ha fare dispetti grandi e facando cadere le fabbricazioni fresce delle mura delle case, queste spiriti si chiamano CORRENTI. Lo spiritismo chi non lo conosce pensa che e un gioco,ma invece vi distrugge. Quando iniziate un lavoro beneditelo dicendo in nome di DIO UNIVESALE PROTEGGE E BENEDICI IL MIO LAVORO E SARETE TRANQUILLI.

Questi sono I trumolo dei appassiti si chiamano cosi perché controllavano i radiazioni del sole. Ma adesso non hanno più il potere di rovinare la vita alle persone che si sedevano sulle spiagge per riposarsi e invece ritornavi a casa con dolori di t…

Questi sono I trumolo dei appassiti si chiamano cosi perché controllavano i radiazioni del sole. Ma adesso non hanno più il potere di rovinare la vita alle persone che si sedevano sulle spiagge per riposarsi e invece ritornavi a casa con dolori di tutto il corpo senza sapere il male da dove veniva.

Questa foto vi dimostra i spiriti comunali che sono molti velenosi, si trovavano da tutte le parti. DIO UNIVERSALE a tolto dal mondo questo avvelenamento segreto sul mangiar, e adesso sarete meglio con la salute.

Questa foto vi dimostra i spiriti comunali che sono molti velenosi, si trovavano da tutte le parti. DIO UNIVERSALE a tolto dal mondo questo avvelenamento segreto sul mangiar, e adesso sarete meglio con la salute.

Qui ćé una strega, che lavorava per il demonio, disturbava le donne che allattavano i bambini al publico quando tornavano a casa la madre non aveva più latte. Queste malefice streghe DIO UNIVERSALE non perdona sono tolte dal mondo.

Qui ćé una strega, che lavorava per il demonio, disturbava le donne che allattavano i bambini al publico quando tornavano a casa la madre non aveva più latte. Queste malefice streghe DIO UNIVERSALE non perdona sono tolte dal mondo.

Qui in questa foto ci sono streghe sataniche che lavorano per il demonio disturbando le donne incinte che fanno nascere bambini ammalati. Questo non è la mia creazione di mandare bambini ammalati ai miei figli. DIO UNIVERSALE non perdona chi mi e ac…

Qui in questa foto ci sono streghe sataniche che lavorano per il demonio disturbando le donne incinte che fanno nascere bambini ammalati. Questo non è la mia creazione di mandare bambini ammalati ai miei figli. DIO UNIVERSALE non perdona chi mi e accusato di quello che io non ho fatto.

In questa foto si vede un spirito dei cepolari che disturba la mente ai giovani di oggi che sono buoni e innocenti. Il problema che vengono usati dal demonio con giochi che li blocca la mente e non sanno perche’ li succede tutto questo.Adesso DIO UN…

In questa foto si vede un spirito dei cepolari che disturba la mente ai giovani di oggi che sono buoni e innocenti. Il problema che vengono usati dal demonio con giochi che li blocca la mente e non sanno perche’ li succede tutto questo.Adesso DIO UNIVERSALE vi spiega con l’aiuto delle mani di Lina che scrive. Non leggere libri sataniche perché il demonio si possede della vostra mente e sarete ammalati per una vita. Lina aiuta molte persone con problema mentale e malattie non conosciute se qualcuno a bisogno potete chiamare questo numero 1-914-358-1986 è lieta di aiutarvi.

In questa foto ci sono spiritacci caniferi che ci piace la carne, incomincia con piccolo foruncolo e si forma con piaghe rosso scuro non guarisce con nessuna medicina si vedono delle faccie nelle farite e sembre peggiorand. La guarigione per questa …

In questa foto ci sono spiritacci caniferi che ci piace la carne, incomincia con piccolo foruncolo e si forma con piaghe rosso scuro non guarisce con nessuna medicina si vedono delle faccie nelle farite e sembre peggiorand. La guarigione per questa malattia è la preghiera di liberazione dello spirito carnifero dal corpo e accendere candele miracolata, si puo guarire.

Questo si chiama il corpetto, è uno spirito carbonico che porta dolori ai piedi insoportabile. Le malattie spirituali non guariscono con le medicine. Si possono guarire con la preghiera.

Questo si chiama il corpetto, è uno spirito carbonico che porta dolori ai piedi insoportabile. Le malattie spirituali non guariscono con le medicine. Si possono guarire con la preghiera.

I spiriti nelle nuvole sono rimasti scioccati della vergogna di essere presi attivi facando dispetti nel mondo.

I spiriti nelle nuvole sono rimasti scioccati della vergogna di essere presi attivi facando dispetti nel mondo.

Questi due spiriti che si vedono si vergognano del male che anno commesso nel mondo pensavano che DIO UNIVERSALE non li avrebbe visto del male che hanno commesso. Adesso non ci sono nascondini DIO UNIVERSALE e venuto sulla terra per salvare il suo p…

Questi due spiriti che si vedono si vergognano del male che anno commesso nel mondo pensavano che DIO UNIVERSALE non li avrebbe visto del male che hanno commesso. Adesso non ci sono nascondini DIO UNIVERSALE e venuto sulla terra per salvare il suo popolo di corpo e spirito per l’eternità. Il male chi lo ha fatto viene punito.

Questa foto sono tutti una famiglia di spiriti che non danno pace a nessuno, non piccoli e no adulti portano distubi famigliari. DIO UNIVERSALE manda la benedizione e la guarigione sulle famiglie chi crede in lui per l’eternità.

Questa foto sono tutti una famiglia di spiriti che non danno pace a nessuno, non piccoli e no adulti portano distubi famigliari. DIO UNIVERSALE manda la benedizione e la guarigione sulle famiglie chi crede in lui per l’eternità.

Qui in questa foto ci sono un gruppo di spiriti che sono rimasti senza locale perché DIO UNIVERSALE si sta occupando il suo mondo per l’eternità.

Qui in questa foto ci sono un gruppo di spiriti che sono rimasti senza locale perché DIO UNIVERSALE si sta occupando il suo mondo per l’eternità.

In questa foto ci sono malefici spiriti che fanno gioco con le onde del acque che formano un tunello profondo che è molto pericoloso di nuotare su questi locali. DIO UNIVERSALE vuole togliere questi spiriti pericolante per avere il mare calmo e il p…

In questa foto ci sono malefici spiriti che fanno gioco con le onde del acque che formano un tunello profondo che è molto pericoloso di nuotare su questi locali. DIO UNIVERSALE vuole togliere questi spiriti pericolante per avere il mare calmo e il popolo si può divertire.

Questa foto è urbana si chiama cosi perché urbanese è un locale molto attivo satanico che maledicono i giardini di frutti e vegetale. I nemici pensono che è un gioco. DIO UNIVERSALE è venuto sulla terra per salvare il suo popolo e fare giustizia del…

Questa foto è urbana si chiama cosi perché urbanese è un locale molto attivo satanico che maledicono i giardini di frutti e vegetale. I nemici pensono che è un gioco. DIO UNIVERSALE è venuto sulla terra per salvare il suo popolo e fare giustizia del passato e presente, non ci sono nascondini. La guerra in spirito continua per affrontare i nemici di cielo e terra e di ogni parte del mondo.

Il demonio in questi tempi è molto attivo con i suoi lavoratori pensando che nessuno lo può fermare ma DIO UNIVERSALE è più potente di lui perché vuole la pace sulla terra per i suo popolo.

Il demonio in questi tempi è molto attivo con i suoi lavoratori pensando che nessuno lo può fermare ma DIO UNIVERSALE è più potente di lui perché vuole la pace sulla terra per i suo popolo.

La Guerra Spirtuale nel 2015 Part 2

At the beginning of time, Before Christ (B.C.), we are going back one million years before Christ. The world was rock, volcanoes and prehistoric life. Men were not as developed or intelligent at that time; they were a violent group of people. They had to survive on hunting and gathering. GOD UNIVERSE decided that it was time for men to evolve. He destroyed the prehistoric time by causing the volcanoes to erupt and earthquakes so the world became a pile of ash.

GOD UNIVERSE looked around and he felt the despair of the world. He began to restore the beauty of the world. He began with the sky, the sun, the moon, the mountains, water, plants, and trees then He said on the sixth day, “Let there be light.” The seventh day will be a day of rest, but don’t forget GOD UNIVERSE on that day. GOD UNIVERSE loved all the beauty he worked so hard to create but He knew something was missing, who else could enjoy this beautiful world.  Thus began the creation of men and women, they would love one another, and it would lead to marriage. After marriage with GOD UNIVERSE’S blessing, a man and a woman would be able to procreate their own flesh and blood.  This is the way GOD UNIVERSE would continue peace on earth.

Just as GOD UNIVERSE completed his new world, there was a rival beginning between GOD UNIVERSE and the evil Lucifer, who wanted to have the same power as GOD UNIVERSE. Lucifer vowed that one day he would rule the world and take as many people’s souls through sins of violence, lust and greed. In order to do this he had to confront GOD UNIVERSE.GOD UNIVERSE will always conquer evil.

Lina's life is always active with phone calls to help people who are experiencing spiritual health problems. The spiritual illness is difficult to understand because the pain in the body changes from one part to the other of the body does not remain…

Lina's life is always active with phone calls to help people who are experiencing spiritual health problems. The spiritual illness is difficult to understand because the pain in the body changes from one part to the other of the body does not remain in one place. By taking medicine the body sometimes gets worse. Lina was a victim of spiritual sickness. She went to many doctors, spending money she didn't have to heal herself. The doctor said that Lina only had three months to live. Lina received a miracle, she changed doctors and this miraculous doctor saw that it was spiritual sickness. At that moment, Lina started crying because the doctor didn't give her medicine. The doctor told Lina not to go back to his office because he couldn't do anything to help her. The doctor was honest to send her for spiritual healing so she healed herself with prayer and her health was restored without any medicine.

This spirit that you see in the picture is called the nightly spirit, which disturbs women in the night with night sex. This spirit leaves a lot of infection in the body and especially ruins the mind with insomnia and bodily pains.

This spirit that you see in the picture is called the nightly spirit, which disturbs women in the night with night sex. This spirit leaves a lot of infection in the body and especially ruins the mind with insomnia and bodily pains.

In this photo is a family secret it's called the child secret. It is called so because in families with grandchildren, there is the carbonic spirit of jealousy between one family and another. Parents or grandparents get jealous that a child will lov…

In this photo is a family secret it's called the child secret. It is called so because in families with grandchildren, there is the carbonic spirit of jealousy between one family and another. Parents or grandparents get jealous that a child will love someone else more than them. This also happens between husbands and wives. Parents who control the lives of their children with the carbonic spirit, want their children to obey and love them the most. This is the worst thing you can do to control the family with black magic. Children suffer with attacks mentally and physically. GOD UNIVERSE punishes everyone who does this to children and family.

Here in this picture is the spirits of the deceitful love, it is called so because it is not true love that you can enjoy. The person who deceives in marriage cannot love you, and you will be unhappy. GOD UNIVERSE has created his people to be free, …

Here in this picture is the spirits of the deceitful love, it is called so because it is not true love that you can enjoy. The person who deceives in marriage cannot love you, and you will be unhappy. GOD UNIVERSE has created his people to be free, not to be forced to marry someone they do not like. This is all a spiritual deception that GOD UNIVERSE has removed from the world the deceitful marriages.

The false infatuation of satanic love is called so because it was very powerful and ruined the lives of today’s young people who do not know the work of the devil. GOD UNIVERSE wants to teach his children, where the evil comes from. Evil comes from …

The false infatuation of satanic love is called so because it was very powerful and ruined the lives of today’s young people who do not know the work of the devil. GOD UNIVERSE wants to teach his children, where the evil comes from. Evil comes from the carbonic spirit of jealousy and the envy that is carried from one person to another. The evil one make people fall in love with different people, live together with someone for a while, and then separate without knowing why their love ended. GOD UNIVERSE came to earth to help innocent, young people who are victims of the occult. I send you a great blessing, and healing mentally and physically for eternity.

This is a carbonic spirit that makes people believe that once he/she is sick they can no longer live without medicine. Sometimes medicine is important but today GOD UNIVERSE sends healing to all the people who believe in him, to heal all parts in th…

This is a carbonic spirit that makes people believe that once he/she is sick they can no longer live without medicine. Sometimes medicine is important but today GOD UNIVERSE sends healing to all the people who believe in him, to heal all parts in the world for eternity.

Here was another spirit of Carlucci Dimagnio, he was very poisonous he would attack people on beaches with skin cancer. We are grateful to GOD UNIVERSE for the spiritual healing that continues to purify the world from the cruel devil.

Here was another spirit of Carlucci Dimagnio, he was very poisonous he would attack people on beaches with skin cancer. We are grateful to GOD UNIVERSE for the spiritual healing that continues to purify the world from the cruel devil.

This demonic spirit was very famous. The spirit killed 50 innocent souls and dropped their bodies to the bottom of the sea with no mercy. But now GOD UNIVERSE protects his people with his soldiers in spirit who help purify and bless all the dangerou…

This demonic spirit was very famous. The spirit killed 50 innocent souls and dropped their bodies to the bottom of the sea with no mercy. But now GOD UNIVERSE protects his people with his soldiers in spirit who help purify and bless all the dangerous places in the world and bring peace to families.

This is the most dangerous sea for young children. When the water is low with white foam, children have fun with the foam. But they do not know the dangers you are facing and it is the worst place you can put them. The spirits are always closer to t…

This is the most dangerous sea for young children. When the water is low with white foam, children have fun with the foam. But they do not know the dangers you are facing and it is the worst place you can put them. The spirits are always closer to the water line and children near the foaming water line became ill with meningitis and crustal cancer in the skin. You must no longer be afraid of spirits because with the war of spirit the world purifies and with the blessing of GOD UNIVERSE you will be healed and saved.

The demon Castiglio is a great and powerful demon spirit, who does not want to make it known to the public that hides in the waters of the sea. God Universe has found you and has taken away your evil power that causes all the pains in the shoulders …

The demon Castiglio is a great and powerful demon spirit, who does not want to make it known to the public that hides in the waters of the sea. God Universe has found you and has taken away your evil power that causes all the pains in the shoulders of my people. God Universe sends complete healing to the whole body for all those who believe in me for all eternity.

In this photo there are a bunch of spirits who don't want to follow the new command, they want to live alone. GOD UNIVERSE does not forgive anyone who does not want to follow His new command and they will be punished.

In this photo there are a bunch of spirits who don't want to follow the new command, they want to live alone. GOD UNIVERSE does not forgive anyone who does not want to follow His new command and they will be punished.

In the sea, sometimes when you take the shells out of the water that are beautiful especially the children, they put them out and are happy to take them home and keep them well. GOD UNIVERSE gives you the message to make you understand that you have…

In the sea, sometimes when you take the shells out of the water that are beautiful especially the children, they put them out and are happy to take them home and keep them well. GOD UNIVERSE gives you the message to make you understand that you have brought home skin cancer from shells. If you have shells in the house, throw them away. GOD UNIVERSE sends the miracle of healing for eternity.

Here are poisonous spirits called Carlucci dei Biondi. These poisonous spirits are obtained in the waters of the Ionian and Mediterranean sea were carnival cancer. GOD UNIVERSE came to earth to heal his people, and destroy the evil satanists.

Here are poisonous spirits called Carlucci dei Biondi. These poisonous spirits are obtained in the waters of the Ionian and Mediterranean sea were carnival cancer. GOD UNIVERSE came to earth to heal his people, and destroy the evil satanists.

When Lina started taking all these pictures, she didn't understand why. It was because the new command of GOD UNIVERSE occupied the whole earth. Immaculate Mary gave the message to Lina to keep taking pictures, one day they will open a picture shop.…

When Lina started taking all these pictures, she didn't understand why. It was because the new command of GOD UNIVERSE occupied the whole earth. Immaculate Mary gave the message to Lina to keep taking pictures, one day they will open a picture shop. But instead it was to use those pictures, to bring peace to our blessed land.

This photo looks beautiful now but at the time of the Civil War, the cruel enemies kidnapped the daughter of ANTONIO D’UVA IN NORTH AUSTRIA. THE EVIL ONES THREW HER BODY IN THE SEA AND POSSESSED HER SOUL. CENTRIES HAVE PASSED BUT GOD UNIVERSE DOES N…


This is the evil spirit Geromino Pagano work for the devil is very poisonous. His job is to bring infection into a person’s body when they are in sea waters, with just a small scratch on the body can cause pancreatic cancer. GOD UNIVERSE has destroy…

This is the evil spirit Geromino Pagano work for the devil is very poisonous. His job is to bring infection into a person’s body when they are in sea waters, with just a small scratch on the body can cause pancreatic cancer. GOD UNIVERSE has destroyed this spirit, and sends healing to all the sick who believe in him for eternity.

In this photo there are spirits called orecchiette, they are very poisonous in the waters of the sea. They are evil spirits that attack the body especially in the ears and in the nose. All these demon spirits are destroyed. This year is different be…

In this photo there are spirits called orecchiette, they are very poisonous in the waters of the sea. They are evil spirits that attack the body especially in the ears and in the nose. All these demon spirits are destroyed. This year is different because people can go to the beach, without being afraid of spirits. Thank you, GOD UNIVERSE for the purification of the sea.

These evil diseases are unknown by doctors. The sickness can be identified only by taking photos and receiving the message from GOD UNIVERSE. Here there were evil spirits that cause skin infections; with the blessing of GOD UNIVERSE you will be heal…

These evil diseases are unknown by doctors. The sickness can be identified only by taking photos and receiving the message from GOD UNIVERSE. Here there were evil spirits that cause skin infections; with the blessing of GOD UNIVERSE you will be healed.

This photo is a tragic memory of soldiers who shot 16 enemies in the time of the Civil War. Then the enemies destroyed their homes and bodies, but the soul of GOD THE UNIVERSE never ends.

This photo is a tragic memory of soldiers who shot 16 enemies in the time of the Civil War. Then the enemies destroyed their homes and bodies, but the soul of GOD THE UNIVERSE never ends.

Here in this photo the enemy spirits hide themselves in the waters for the shame of what they have committed during the civil war. Let all of the evil doings in the past, return back to the enemies. Did you understand dear enemies?

Here in this photo the enemy spirits hide themselves in the waters for the shame of what they have committed during the civil war. Let all of the evil doings in the past, return back to the enemies. Did you understand dear enemies?

The sea always looks cleaner, but it takes a little more time to finish the purification.

The sea always looks cleaner, but it takes a little more time to finish the purification.

Here in this place there were evil spirits that make people sick with breast cancer. Without knowing where the evil comes from. Cancer was created by evil spirits and we are still victims of the occult. GOD UNIVERSE, those who believe in him with fa…

Here in this place there were evil spirits that make people sick with breast cancer. Without knowing where the evil comes from. Cancer was created by evil spirits and we are still victims of the occult. GOD UNIVERSE, those who believe in him with faith will heal themselves. We thank GOD UNIVERSAL to have come to earth to heal us.

In this photo we see an evil spirit who works at night for the devil and curses children with scab skin and with urine infections. This is a communal infection coming from evil spells. GOD UNIVERSE does not allow children to suffer, He sends the ble…

In this photo we see an evil spirit who works at night for the devil and curses children with scab skin and with urine infections. This is a communal infection coming from evil spells. GOD UNIVERSE does not allow children to suffer, He sends the blessing and the miracle of healing.

This solar photo was created by the cruel devil to cause children to be unfocused and not study. GOD UNIVERSE must destroy the devil of jealousy and envy in the world. GOD UNIVERSE blesses the children, teachers and administrators in schools.

This solar photo was created by the cruel devil to cause children to be unfocused and not study. GOD UNIVERSE must destroy the devil of jealousy and envy in the world. GOD UNIVERSE blesses the children, teachers and administrators in schools.

In this photo there are many tears scattered. During the time of the civil war, the cruel enemies of ANTONIO D’UVA DEI PAGLIETTI, threw innocent families into the waters of the sea to take their property. These people who have been thrown into the s…

In this photo there are many tears scattered. During the time of the civil war, the cruel enemies of ANTONIO D’UVA DEI PAGLIETTI, threw innocent families into the waters of the sea to take their property. These people who have been thrown into the sea their bodies have disappeared but their spirits have become soldiers of GOD UNIVERSE fighting against enemies.

Here in this photo there are relatives of this evil man. To defend himself, he killed his neighbor and also his family and threw them into the sea together. You can imagine how cruel this devil was, he did not care that he killed his own family.

Here in this photo there are relatives of this evil man. To defend himself, he killed his neighbor and also his family and threw them into the sea together. You can imagine how cruel this devil was, he did not care that he killed his own family.

Here we see a solar attack in time of civil war they called them The KING of the TROFANS fought for 11 hours and then they were killed by their own demon father.

Here we see a solar attack in time of civil war they called them The KING of the TROFANS fought for 11 hours and then they were killed by their own demon father.

In this photo you can see different spirits who want peace in their family. How GOD UNIVERSE give you peace if you have never given peace you have your children? You must first have peace within yourself and then you can ask for your children.

In this photo you can see different spirits who want peace in their family. How GOD UNIVERSE give you peace if you have never given peace you have your children? You must first have peace within yourself and then you can ask for your children.

In this photo you can see the spirit, Lucifer that attacks the sun with its red panels. GOD UNIVERSE does not want war but He has to stop the spirits otherwise they destroy the world.

In this photo you can see the spirit, Lucifer that attacks the sun with its red panels. GOD UNIVERSE does not want war but He has to stop the spirits otherwise they destroy the world.

In this photo there are spirits who work for the devil who suffocate children in their cribs. GOD UNIVERSE gives special protection that no child should be disturbed by these spirits.

In this photo there are spirits who work for the devil who suffocate children in their cribs. GOD UNIVERSE gives special protection that no child should be disturbed by these spirits.

In this photo there are the spirits named arecchietti, they are poisonous spirits that disturb the mind with headaches, stomachaches, envy and the evil eye. To take away you have to pray, prayer is the powerful weapon that drives away evil spirits.

In this photo there are the spirits named arecchietti, they are poisonous spirits that disturb the mind with headaches, stomachaches, envy and the evil eye. To take away you have to pray, prayer is the powerful weapon that drives away evil spirits.

In this photo, there is an evil spirit asking for compassion because during the time of the Civil War in Europe, the soldiers were drowned in the Red Sea on a ship called “OF MONTI SERPENTI”. This ship was famous for evil enemies because it was larg…

In this photo, there is an evil spirit asking for compassion because during the time of the Civil War in Europe, the soldiers were drowned in the Red Sea on a ship called “OF MONTI SERPENTI”. This ship was famous for evil enemies because it was large and they imprisoned many poor young soldiers who were promised they would go home. However, once the ship arrived in the middle of the sea, they would blow the horn and throw the soldiers in the sea. GOD UNIVERSE came to earth to save all the souls that were possessed by the devil at the bottom of the sea and purify the world today.

The work of Lina D'Uva is not easy to follow but neither is it difficult because GOD UNIVERSE gives the message of the meaning in each photo and tells her what He wants written. In this photo there are poisonous spirits called monte alpini, they ter…

The work of Lina D'Uva is not easy to follow but neither is it difficult because GOD UNIVERSE gives the message of the meaning in each photo and tells her what He wants written. In this photo there are poisonous spirits called monte alpini, they terrorized humanity during the civil war. The human people left their houses with the hope that the soldiers would help save their families but instead they were tricked and loaded them into the ship and threw them into the sea with no mercy.

In this picture, the families who lived in Calabria, Italy were thrown into the sea; they were victims of the civil war. The enemy soldiers occupied their homes and what little they had. The bodies of the victims are gone but their souls ask GOD UNI…

In this picture, the families who lived in Calabria, Italy were thrown into the sea; they were victims of the civil war. The enemy soldiers occupied their homes and what little they had. The bodies of the victims are gone but their souls ask GOD UNIVERSE to bring justice in the world for them, who have lost their lives and families.

In this photo there are sprits called the Biondi (the blondes). They are called so because they are a demonic generation and they have blonde hair. Before the Biondi became spirits, they were very rich with the stuff of others. They were very genero…

In this photo there are sprits called the Biondi (the blondes). They are called so because they are a demonic generation and they have blonde hair. Before the Biondi became spirits, they were very rich with the stuff of others. They were very generous, gave things of great value to make friends and to see what people had in their homes. After two or three weeks the Biondi would go into those people’s homes and steal everything they had. When they died, the neighbors were happy that they were freed from their enemies. But instead the Biondi died in body but not in spirit. They do the same work spiritually by stealing gold and money on earth. GOD UNIVERSE does not forgive these spirits because those who do not know that spiritually your things can be stolen; they then blame innocent people or their families.

In this photo there are spirits called malura calura. They are called this because they carry many muscle infections. Sometimes we need antibiotics to get rid of these infections. One could catch these infections from the sand or ocean when the wate…

In this photo there are spirits called malura calura. They are called this because they carry many muscle infections. Sometimes we need antibiotics to get rid of these infections. One could catch these infections from the sand or ocean when the waters are rough.

Here are the souls asking to pray and help them find their lost families during the civil war. GOD UNIVERSE came to earth to find all the souls who were victims of the devil and possessed at the bottom of the sea. The souls call to GOD UNIVERSE and …

Here are the souls asking to pray and help them find their lost families during the civil war. GOD UNIVERSE came to earth to find all the souls who were victims of the devil and possessed at the bottom of the sea. The souls call to GOD UNIVERSE and the faces can be seen in the water and in the sand.

Here in this photo, above the sun, is a soul that wants to help all those who have been victims of forced marriages full of despised, slandered and slaves of the devil living unknown in the world. With GOD UNIVERSE he came to free all the innocent p…

Here in this photo, above the sun, is a soul that wants to help all those who have been victims of forced marriages full of despised, slandered and slaves of the devil living unknown in the world. With GOD UNIVERSE he came to free all the innocent people and do justice for all.

Lina D’Uva accompanied by the light of GOD UNIVERSE went to the beach. On the sand and in the water, it is filled with face of souls happy to be with her and they tell her why they are in the sea.

Lina D’Uva accompanied by the light of GOD UNIVERSE went to the beach. On the sand and in the water, it is filled with face of souls happy to be with her and they tell her why they are in the sea.

Here are desperate souls looking for their kidnapped children. The children were taken as prisoners at the age of eighteen and never returned home. Now that GOD UNIVERSE is with us they have the hope of spiritually getting their families back togeth…

Here are desperate souls looking for their kidnapped children. The children were taken as prisoners at the age of eighteen and never returned home. Now that GOD UNIVERSE is with us they have the hope of spiritually getting their families back together.

Here in this white foam we see a face that cries happy tears. After many centuries, a soul who was lost at the age of thirteen had been reunited with their family in spirit. GOD UNIVERSE wants to give the message to all those who have been victims o…

Here in this white foam we see a face that cries happy tears. After many centuries, a soul who was lost at the age of thirteen had been reunited with their family in spirit. GOD UNIVERSE wants to give the message to all those who have been victims of the devil and have lost their children, I promise to find them and bring them to justice for eternity.

In this photo there are the souls who seek help to free their families who suffer from satanic diseases. There are spirits that torment houses with noises and visions on the walls of black circles that move from one side of the wall to the other. GO…

In this photo there are the souls who seek help to free their families who suffer from satanic diseases. There are spirits that torment houses with noises and visions on the walls of black circles that move from one side of the wall to the other. GOD UNIVERSE is blessing all homes to take away these evil spirits that torment people in their homes.

Lina finds it difficult to write because she didn't have an easy life. So in order not to be alone and have courage, she dedicated herself to prayer and writing. Loneliness sometimes makes you lose courage but instead for Lina, GOD UNIVERSAL has giv…

Lina finds it difficult to write because she didn't have an easy life. So in order not to be alone and have courage, she dedicated herself to prayer and writing. Loneliness sometimes makes you lose courage but instead for Lina, GOD UNIVERSAL has given her all the courage to make her enemies die. Whoever is with GOD UNIVERSAL is never alone.

In this photo, there were the commanders of the land called the Francilli. These are the ones who commanded the slave souls. Now that GOD UNIVERSAL is on earth, he makes them slaves. So I teach you what they did.

In this photo, there were the commanders of the land called the Francilli. These are the ones who commanded the slave souls. Now that GOD UNIVERSAL is on earth, he makes them slaves. So I teach you what they did.

This photo is beautiful but the memories are painful full of tears and pains. In the past, parents' enemies made them watch their children as they kept them slaves and then sentenced the children to death. GOD UNIVERSE wants everyone who has been vi…

This photo is beautiful but the memories are painful full of tears and pains. In the past, parents' enemies made them watch their children as they kept them slaves and then sentenced the children to death. GOD UNIVERSE wants everyone who has been victimized by the enemies to pray that GOD UNIVERSE does justice for us for all eternity.

Lina D'Uva didn't like to take pictures because she didn't understand why she had to take so many and the meaning of each picture. But GOD UNIVERSE AND IMMACULATE MARY encouraged Lina to take pictures and said one day she would open a picture shop. …

Lina D'Uva didn't like to take pictures because she didn't understand why she had to take so many and the meaning of each picture. But GOD UNIVERSE AND IMMACULATE MARY encouraged Lina to take pictures and said one day she would open a picture shop. Instead it was to save the enslaved souls from the devil.

In this photo there are souls looking for their relatives who are imprisoned at the bottom of the sea by the cruel devil during the civil war. The souls have hope that GOD UNIVERSE saves all souls at the bottom of the sea who are victims of the devi…

In this photo there are souls looking for their relatives who are imprisoned at the bottom of the sea by the cruel devil during the civil war. The souls have hope that GOD UNIVERSE saves all souls at the bottom of the sea who are victims of the devil.

In this photo there are the souls who do not find peace because during the civil war the enemy soldiers took children from their parents. The enemies took the children with them to kill them and eat them without pity. GOD UNIVERSE came to earth to b…

In this photo there are the souls who do not find peace because during the civil war the enemy soldiers took children from their parents. The enemies took the children with them to kill them and eat them without pity. GOD UNIVERSE came to earth to bring justice for these poor souls who were victims back then from the cruel devil.

In this photo there are spirits who willingly want to work for the devil to make themselves famous. They stole children and sold them. If the children did not obey, they killed them and threw them into the lakes. They thought no one knew anything si…

In this photo there are spirits who willingly want to work for the devil to make themselves famous. They stole children and sold them. If the children did not obey, they killed them and threw them into the lakes. They thought no one knew anything since the bodies are destroyed but the souls were found. With the help of GOD UNIVERSE the cruel enemies are found and brought to justice for eternity.

In this photo they are called spirits of campestri. They have fun distracting people and making people get into car accidents. GOD UNIVERSE is going to war to destroy these solar spirits and to bring peace on earth in this new world. May the peace o…

In this photo they are called spirits of campestri. They have fun distracting people and making people get into car accidents. GOD UNIVERSE is going to war to destroy these solar spirits and to bring peace on earth in this new world. May the peace of GOD UNIVERSE descend upon each one and purify our families with peace and prosperity for eternity.

These spirits named the ponpilli of trofani go near the sun to ask the farmers and GOD UNIVERSE for forgiveness from the evil that they have committed. During the time of harvest, they ruined the crops of the poor farmers by burning their land and h…

These spirits named the ponpilli of trofani go near the sun to ask the farmers and GOD UNIVERSE for forgiveness from the evil that they have committed. During the time of harvest, they ruined the crops of the poor farmers by burning their land and houses without any mercy. Dear enemies, the evil you have done must be punished seriously for eternity. GOD UNIVERSE does not forgive anyone, this slavery must end forever.

The sea is being purified but people are losing and trying to seek demonic power. This is not the way of life; better you get convert. Pray to GOD UNIVERSE that helps you with your needs.

The sea is being purified but people are losing and trying to seek demonic power. This is not the way of life; better you get convert. Pray to GOD UNIVERSE that helps you with your needs.